saba photo

All crematoria and cemeteries located within the administrative limits of the Pradeshiya Sabha are maintained by the Pradeshiya Sabha.

  • For obtaining the crematorium service an application should be made to the Secretary of the Pradeshiya Sabha together with a written request accompanied by the death certificate addressed to the Chairman of the Pradeshiya Sabha.
  • After levying the relevant fee, the approval is granted by the Chairman of the PRadeshiya Sabha.

Granting approval for constructing monuments in cemeteries

In order to avail yourself of this service an application with attached copies of the death certificate, the plan of the monument and a letter confirming that the deceased was a resident of the area of authority of the Pradeshiya Sabha should be submitted to the Secretary of the Pradeshiya Sabha. Approval is granted by the Chairman of the Pradeshiya Sabha on the recommendation of the Public Health Inspector / Technical Officer.

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